Visual Studio 2013 WIF 3.5 STS Template

The Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) 3.5 provided some Visual Studio templates to create a Secure Token Service (STS.) Unfortunately these were not available in Visual Studio 2013 and also, they actually created a Web Site rather than a Web Application.

I wanted to create an STS using these templates, so I added the templates into Visual Studio and created a new Web Application copied the files across and exported a new template. Its available on GitHub:

Please note this is a WIF 3.5 template from the WIF 3.5 SDK. See below on more information.

The steps to convert the template to a web application went a little something like this:

  1. Created a website from the WIF 3.5 template
  2. Created a new empty visual studio web application project
  3. Copied the App_Code folder ascross and renamed to Core
  4. Set the Build Action on each of the files in core to be "Compile"
  5. Used nuget to install Microsoft.Identity package
  6. Added new aspx files for Login and Default, because the designer file was missing  

I only did the Web Application template, but I will get round to the claims aware website and probably the WCF templates at some point. I uploaded all the templates from the WIF 3.5 SDK for safe keeping:

With thanks to Hans Kindberg: Use the WIF SDK site templates in Visual Studio 2013

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