
Adventure Works Databases for Sql Server

 Microsoft released a sample database which can be used to explore and practice using the various features of Sql Server. Adventure Works is a fictitious, multinational bicycle manufacturing company. The database is an enterprise solution which covers Sales/Marketing, Product, Purchasing/Vendor and Manufacturing scenarios.

Getting started with EntityFrameworkCore

I while ago, I posted about setting up Entity Framework 6 Code First migrations in an MVC 5 Project. These days, its all about dotnet core, and whilst the process is very similar, I thought I would write another detailed walk through so that I can hit the ground running when I'm required to do this working on real projects.

Generating C# Clients using Swagger and Autorest

Autorest is a great tool for automating the creation of clients from Swagger or Open Api definition files. The resulting code can be dropped into a project and shareable client code can be distributed.

Understanding the C# Linq SelectMany Operator

The Linq operator SelectMany has always confused me a bit, and yesterday I came across it in some code so had to actually try to understand it.

Turning on internal logging for log4net

Turning on internal logging for log4net is straight forward and provides a detailed information about the many issues that may occur.

Setting up Powershell console profile

In my previous post I talked about setting up vim plugins. I've been using vim on the commandline quite a bit now and have found a couple of useful commands that I like to have setup to make use a bit easier.

Setting up Vim Plugins on Windows

I've been using VsVim the vim Visual Studio plugin and I really like how much easier it makes coding when your fingers can live on the home keys more. Recently I started working through Roy Osheroves Vim Hates You course and learning loads more tricks and ways to use vim, so I thought I would put a bit of effort into learning vim int the console so that it might in the future it might become my main weapon of choice.