In ASP.NET MVC 5 ActionResult classes are used to return data from the controller classes to the views. There are 15 different sub classes that can be used in various situations depending on your scenario...
PowerShell is quite high on my list of languages that I dip in and out of without really knowing nearly well enough. One of things that I have found myself doing quite regularly is trying to script SQL for creating tables. This is quite straight forward using Sql Server PowerShell
I seem to burn far to many hours trying to do the relatively simple task of setting up log4net on a project. Well step one is easy enough, install through nuget . Next...
A while ago I talked about the standard architectural approach at work . The truth is I'm not completely taken with putting an API in, particularly when its a small application. So how would an application look without the API? Well, I know all of the patterns, but I haven't actually put them together and had a poke around and understood the whys and wherefores of each design decision, so I thought I would give it a try...
Once you have setup your acceptance tests using the page object pattern as described in an earlier post , and you continue to write scenarios you will end up needing to use the Selenium API to find HTML components as part of the acceptance test scenarios.
Recently I had a need to create an entity model from an existing database so started adding an edmx as I had done so many times before in this scenario. Then I remembered reading on the Entity Framework documentation website that its actually possible to reverse engineer a code first model .